Posts in Equality
Visionary Self Care

Be gentle with yourself because no one teaches us how to live this way. No one teaches us how to use all our Presence and Being to find our Selves in the world and the Work that we will do.

No one teaches us how to rely as equally on empathic intuition and body sensation as we do logical rationality. No one teaches us how to make sense of these intense desires to share deep truths that we only partially understand. Be gentle with yourself.

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Society and Religion are Designed to Repress Your Visionary Qualities

The visionary path isn't one that guarantees an income or promises that anyone will even give a shit about it - but I can't help believe that it's the most important work that can be done on the earth. The visionary path carries the seeds of change - for society, for humanity, for the earth at large. It's nothing less than transformational.

Please don't give up.

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It's time for visionaries.

You’re reading this because you are one. You’re a visionary.

Calm down. It’s totally normal. (We need to normalize our totally natural visionary natures.)

You can see how things could be better, how things could be run so that everyone had enough and everyone could live safely and securely without fear or hunger.

You can see a society where healing and self-expression are more valued than aggression and accumulating things. It’s not so hard to see*, but you are a visionary so it’s easy for you.

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Who am I? Who are You? Who are We?

I thought I was going to write a foundation post to celebrate the new website. Instead Creation asked, “Who am I?” and so now I’m writing about that. How can we make our lives happier and more true to our highest self?

Identity is important and the the duality of our separation as individual bodies is greatly over-rated. We have bodies that are beautiful wisdom tools. We hold our identity with the wholiness at the same time we hold our identity in a body. They are happening at the same time. We are one. Nature is kin. There is only loving inclusion.

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Most Truth is Personal, Subjective, Relative and Wonderful

Most truths are subjective, personal and relative. We believe strongly in our own truths but they should be open to change if we've got stuff wrong.

The only absolute Truth that exists is the First Truth and it trumps every other truth out there. If my truths deny equality or personhood to another, my truth is false. If my truth makes one group of people more valuable than another, my truth is false. If my truth is that monogamy works best for me in my life, then that is my truth. If Edwards truth is that polyamory works best for him in his life, than that's his truth - and both those truths can exist at the same time.

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