
 Welcome to the Cailleach Ken Library


This resource will grow as I add more courses, videos and downloads that I think will help on this path of learning how to be our authentic Soul Selves in the world.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions, concerns, or would like to share something interesting, insightful or inspiring that happened to you through this work.

Thank you for being my mirror of Beloved Presence.


 LIVE Event Messages


Trust your Truth + Share your Authentic Soul Expression with the World

So… not a surprise really that this is the main gist of the first LIVE recording from Land + Spirit. It’s basically asserting the premise of my passion and vocation in the world and calling out to you to connect to yours. Sounds great!

Listen to the full recording below:

Listen here.



 Monthly Message Morsel


Every month in the Holy Sh!t Handbook Re-membership you can find a monthly message from Spirit. It may come from the Beloved Presence crew or be more centered on Earth and Celtic wisdom from Muireann. Who knows, we’ll have to wait and see.

I also talk with celebrities from time to time. Find a chat clip below.

I’d like to do a monthly or bi-monthly live event where I can offer readings to the community. If you have ideas about what you’d like to see in this feature, please email me.



October 2023

Welcome to the very first Beloved Presence Monthly Message.

The entire recording is available in the Holy Sh!t Handbook.

Hope this speaks to you and please consider discussing the message in the Community chat.


Chatting with “Dead” Celebrities


One of the kind of creepy but awesome results of famous people we love and admire “dying” - is that now they are suddenly way more accessible to the random person to have a chat with! (Only if they want of course. Consent is a thing - on all levels.)

Here is a taster of my chats with the Famous “Dead”.

Click here if you’d like to join The Holy Sh!t Handbook and access all the readings.


Sinéad O’Connor

I love Sinéad. Forever.

Her album “Universal Mother” played while I experienced my mystical awakening. “In this Heart” is the song I sing to the Earth. Sinéad brought me to the start of my journey healing ancestral Celtic trauma.

I love her. She exists. Sinéad goes on. We had a chat. She has the energy of a puppy.

Love you Sinéad. <3

Click the images below to open them up in a pop-up window.



I’ve been building a Discord server to give us a place to interact and share experiences and wisdom with each other on this path of being Spirit in the physical world.

I wish there had been resources like this and a community of people available to help me navigate the massive shift of perspective after my mystical awakening.

It’s still early days in the whole community building - so it’s just me talking to myself. Lol! Check it out, and come chat with me about Presence and Being and the magic of the Land.

It’s a private space, invite-only because I wanted to be able to monitor vibe and keep it feeling cozy and welcoming and a safe space to share truth.

Click “you’re invited” for the invite link. The “Community” link at the top right of the DRL page is a permanent link to the Beloved Presence server.

I hope I see you there!



 The Unstuck Quest Meditation


Connect to your hidden gifts and personal power.

Life is weird. I made this mini course 8 years ago while trying to build an art marketing business. Nope.

Teacher and Student of Beloved Presence. I just didn’t have the courage or faith at the time to stand in my truth.

Now I do and this is for you. Enjoy!




 Tabhartas Bòid (Votive Offerings)

(TAH-vartis BOW-j)



  1. History and Meaning of Tabhartas Bòid >> 00:37

  2. Sacrfice as an aspect of Spiritual Growth >> 4:43

  3. Tabhartas Bòid as Reciprocity and Asking for Universal Help >> 7:58

  4. My Tabhartas Bòid Offerings >> 12:48


 Suet Balls Recipe

Basically it’s 1 part fat to 2 parts dry ingredients.

I didn’t keep track of how much of each I put in because I kept having to add more to make it less sticky. You will totally underestimate how much dry ingredients are needed to firm up the fat balls.


I used lard and chunky peanut butter. About 3 pounds altogether: 2 of lard, 1 peanut butter.

Dry Ingredients:

  • cornmeal

  • quick oats

  • raisins

  • bird seed (go for unshelled sunflower seeds) I used a mix called Happy Garden from Urban Nature Store.

  • shelled peanuts

  • mealworms

Once the balls are firm, roll them in the cornmeal to make a non-sticky outer coating.

Freeze them or put them into a garage or shed during the winter.

The animals LOVED these and I have to ration them or they will eat them all in a day.


 Seed Papers

This is a great way to get rid of old papers and leftover seeds. I have a problem storing my seeds because they never seem to be as fertile the next year. If you have tips - please contact me!

So, I make seed papers and seed balls out of leftover seeds so they don’t go to waste.

Shred paper

  • Soak in water for as long as you want

  • spread on towel to dry out a bit (not completely dry or they won’t set in the mold

  • mix in seeds (I separate flowers from veggies - but you do you. Stick to native species.)

  • Use a mold or make your own shapes (this pop-out mold worked great)

  • set on towel to dry completely


Seed Balls

I used left over seed pulp from the seed papers. It added unnecesary wetness to the balls, so it’s not ideal - but was a good use of the pulp.

It took a bit of work to get these so they didn’t have cracks - just have water on hand to smooth them out. Our hands absorb the water in the clay so the self-set clay dries out quickly. How neat to sculpt these so they become an offering of art to the Universe. That’s an idea for next time.

Leave them out to dry - they feel less cold, more room temperature when they’re dry.

Throw these balls anywhere you want to spread flowers or veg and they will dissolve with their own power pack of nutrients to get them started.

I started out with 9 of these to dry, but now I’m down to 7. I think the cats have been knocking them off the table and tossing them around the house… but I can’t find them. :D



To counteract negative spiritual card-bombing in my workplace - I’m dropping self-love and self-acceptance bookmarks for our mutual spiritual comfort.


 Bhraitheann Anam

Fite Fuaite is the interconnectedness of all things, seen and unseen.
— Celtic Wisdom


  1. Bhraitheann Anam Meaning >> 00:33

  2. Caveat regarding “Everything is for us" >> 2:20

  3. Connect to Mothaitheacht / Mothachadh >> 3:30

  4. Centering - connect to the body >> 4:40

  5. Connect to Beloved Presence in the physical world >>6:06

  6. Coincidence doesn’t exist >> 6:58

  7. Body Communication >> 7:25

  8. Frame #1 >> 8:05

  9. Why I use this worksheet >> 8:30

  10. Frame #2 >> 9:05

  11. Perspective Choice >> 9:32

  12. Frame #3 >> 11:31

  13. Frame #4 >> 14:16

  14. Be Gentle with your Trauma >> 15:47

  15. Frame #5 >> 19:51

  16. Frame #6 >> 25:16

Click to enlarge image for sequence.

 Bhraitheann Anam Worksheet

(BREH-hen AH-num)

This means “Feeling Soul” or “Touching Soul” which is exactly what this worksheet helps us practice. It’s a way to keep focused on the communication happening with the natural world and to connect that communication with ourselves and the message that spirit shares through clay.

Before attempting to connect with the natural world, we want to generate feelings of mothaitheacht and bouichas. These are the feelings of love, connection and gratitude with the natural world. This is feeling kinship with all things and feeling wholiness and harmony with our surroundings.

The messages and connections in a state of loving wholiness are the best.


How to Use Bhraitheann Anam:

I use this process when something happens that bothers me or disrupts my peace. Maybe I become aware of some way that I am living a story or allowing a made up meaning in my life direct my life, instead of living from the truth of Beloved Presence.

I use this process when I need help to figure out where I’m stuck.

Frame #1: Attraction

Start with the circle-ish portrait. Take a minute to connect to mothaiteacht and feel connected to your body. Be here. Breath in, breath out… open your eyes and find a part of nature that attracts you. Your attention keeps coming back to the being.

Draw a quick picture or write a description, record what it is that is calling your attention. Animal, plant, insect, natural occurrence - there is no limit on how Creation communicates with us, so everything, every being is fair play.

Celts believe that the unseen is just as real as the seen and that all beings are in-Spirited with Anam. All of Creation shares a universal spirit and can communicate truth and wisdom - so all beings are available for communication.

Wait to put a title under the picture - why will become clear later.

Frame #2: What are the Facts?

This is where you record the nuts and bolts of what happened. What happened that upset peace? What or who triggered you? Who, where, why, what stood out for you? What was interesting or noteworthy?

Don’t analyze. Just record facts.

Frame #3: How Does it Feel?

Look to your heart and your body for information. This is developing our empathetic tool kit. This is how we tune into the spirit wisdom that encompasses all things.

Without judgement and without editing - just simply record how you feel about what happened. What is the story you tell about what happened? How did you feel while it was happening?

Frame #4: Bring Facts & Feeling Together with Memory

This 4th part takes the longest in my experience. There is a memory connected with the feeling story of the current facts situation and how that situation makes you feel.

It takes awhile because we’re waiting for the body response. We’re waiting for this communication, this beautiful wisdom from the natural world to make the connection with our need.

Sit with this until you’re sure you understand what is coming up for you. Trust yourself and your spirit to guide you to the experience that will teach you. Right now you are looking into the mirror of the infinity of Creation and it is giving to you the exact moment of your life that is resonate with this communication.

You will know it by how it feels in your body. You will know it because there will be a bit of a frisson and an emotional ‘oh!’. It may not be huge, but there will be something that you recognize and think “!?”

Sometimes it’s obvious.

Sometimes it’s a memory or experience or feeling that we have long forgotten and is returning to be recognized and provide it’s wisdom because it’s useful for us right now.

Let the memory or experience come without judgement or censor or analysis. Let it be recorded. Remember and record.

Frame #5: Let Them Speak the Wisdom for Today

Centre into your heart and mothaitheacht and feel the connection with your nature anamchara. This being is your wise teacher. There may be words, phrases, information that is spoken to you directly from the being with which you are currently in connection. Record the words, phrases or whatever advice this communication is giving to you. Record the wisdom.

Once you’ve allowed the being to speak - give them a name in the first portrait area. Give them a name that makes sense based on their message to you.

Frame #6: Connect the Wisdom to Today

Connect 4 & 5, the memory and the wisdom to your current situation. There is a relevance to what’s happening to you right now that Creation is wanting to make known. There is something happening in your life currently that will benefit from this bit of advice or massage from the natural world. They are here for us, to help and to guide and to teach. There is something in this interaction that is here to help us.

Honestly, using this worksheet reminds me of how enmeshed in beauty and wholiness is this Creation and how it’s here always for our love and benefit.

Below are a gallery of the worksheets that I’ve completed during the time I’ve been working on this download.


After awhile, you don’t need the worksheet if you can stay focused on the process of moving from Creation as a wisdom mirror into yourself and connecting to the memory or experience that is wanting to be heard.


At some point offer a gift of gratitude to the being with which you are communicating. Ask them what they would like and then give it to them. Or, offer them something you think they might like, compost, veggie/rice water, fertilizer, water, seeds, treats… something that shows your gratitude for their being and participating in your healing.


 Ancestor Chats



  1. Everything is Here >> 1:09

  2. Fite Fuaite 1:38 >>

  3. What I do >> 2:53

  4. Ask for an Image >> 5:00

  5. Ancestry Storytime >> 8:45

  6. Resonance & Perfection >> 9:32

  7. Asking for a Teacher >> 11:25

  8. “Safety” >> 12:43

  9. Set Your Own Rituals >> 13:58

  10. Trust & Acceptance >> 14:38


Read about Silent Supper and connecting with my Ancestors.

I've been talking to ancestors for awhile now... or rather, I've been communicating with spirit for most of my life.

I think we all are. All the time.

The rise of "objective" science squashed a bunch of stuff we used to do naturally, like communicate regularly and effortlessly with the world of spirit. I make no claims about "Ancestor Chats" beyond what I do and what I experience while doing.

You will have to suspend doubt.

If you doubt what you receive it just interferes with the receiving. It's our nature to question, and I think it's healthy and normal and natural... but it's also not helpful to this process because there will never be enough proof to convince you it's real if you need proof to believe.

Learn more about Muireann.


How to talk to Ancestors

Do whatever you feel comfortable doing to get yourself into the right frame of mind to communicate. If you need ritual and ceremony - do that. What is most important is being aware of the feeling in your body. There is a feeling you have when you are open and receptive to spirit. It is the mothaitheacht feeling of recognizing presence. I can't explain it other than that.

I can feel it in my chest. A fullness, a presence… and I know I'm in the right resonance to receive.

Do whatever you need to do to get into that state, then begin your conversation.

I use a journal because I will immediately forget what is being shared if I don't write it down. It's good to be able to go back over conversations because I pick up more understanding each time I revisit.

I like to ask who is speaking and if they are agreeable, to give me an image to hold that allows me to focus on them in particular.


Meet your ancestors at the same time in the same place and you will build a stronger relationship and connection with them. It builds trust on both sides and honestly, I think they're thrilled with any attempt from us to consciously communicate with them. I think they're communicating with us all the time, and us to them - just bringing it to consciousness is very powerful.

Get calm and quiet and feel presence in your heart. Believe what you receive. Show up consistently. That's it. That's all.

This is a human thing to do. It's natural.

We are Fite Fuaite - interwoven with spirit since the beginning.


 Contact Me

…with any questions, concerns or interesting, unexpected or inspiring stories that happen during your communication with Beloved Presence. I want to know!


 Holy Sh!t Handbook Tasty Free Chapter

If you missed it and you want it - click the link below to download your own chapter of the Holy Sh!t Handbook.

>>The Holy Sh!t Handbook is now an ongoing self-study monthly course!<<


 Cailleach Ken Email Archive

This will automatically update with links to the past 13 Cailleach Ken letters of Beloved Presence.