Posts in Growth + Healing
Being Alive is Hard, be Gentle with Yourself

We're often much harder on ourselves than we are on other people. Think about how you speak to yourself, and what you expect from your own performance in life, at work, with friends, colleagues and loved ones. In contrast, imagine a friend or loved one in the same situation and compare how empathetic, supportive and understanding you would be and how easy it would be to suggest self-care and rest. We never do that for ourselves, and it's critical.

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Are We Owning and Honouring Our Holy Sh!t in This Life?

Holy Sh!t is the holy work we do in this life to become aware of and shift the blocks held in the body that interfere with our ability to connect to Beloved Presence and live from the fullness of love and inclusion.

The blocks can be inherited, come from wounds and trauma in this life, misunderstandings or misaligned beliefs we have about Beloved Presence, ourselves and our place in the world. There are plenty of ways to be wounded. Most happen in our childhood family of origin and then are immediately frozen or buried deep so we don't have to feel or process the painful event. The earth offers us the great service of holding those wounds and allowing the energy to continue to flow so we can live and grow and participate in our lives.

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Destroy These Myths to Live a More Satisfying Spiritual Life

When we're committed to walking a spiritual path, we've got to dismantle a lot of garbage myths and lies that get in the way of connecting to our own spiritual truth.

We've inherited or picked up along the way, plenty of misguided and outright wrong notions of what being spiritual actually means. Today, I want to talk about the biggest ones that I've encountered.

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Being Praised as "Special" is a Harmful Lie

I'm still trashing residual ideas of “gifted” from my identity because it impedes actual progress and functionality. The worst thing that the "gifted" label can teach a child is that what we can do is ”natural and we are born with it”. It's the difference between growing up being praised for being "gifted" versus being praised for "working hard".

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The Truth About the Cynic

The great irony is that the cynics need the visionaries more than anyone. Their fire is out and they're desperately looking for a source to rekindle. There is a twisted excitement to tearing down others, especially when you're part of a group; but it is smoke and embers compared to the fire of a visionary passion. The cynic has forgotten, or lost the connection and it's too scary to try and be a creator now. Now they'd rather piss on you and deny ever having a fire in the first place. 

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