2. Greetings


Greet your Anamchara

Anamchara means “Soul Friend” in Irish and it’s a light-hearted term for what we’re doing here.

Greet your Higher Self. Meet the God within.

There is an aspect of you that is in Wholiness all the time. We want to connect to, greet and introduce ourselves to that part of ourselves as soon as we can. There is an essential relationship to be nurtured here that is foundation to health as a Spirit in a physical body.

Your mind that is one with Creator’s mind. Your heart that is one with Creator’s heart.

They have been waiting patiently, lovingly and without judgement for you to join with them. Say hi.


The Practice - Welcome the Higher Self


    • In a quiet place with no distractions… phone on silent… sit comfortably and close your eyes.

    • Sit in nature if that’s your jam. So much of my spiritual inquiry happens in my backyard. Get into a calm, peaceful deep breathe in - deep breathe out kind of state.

    • Have your journal ready with two different coloured pens. One colour for you, one for your Spirit Self.

    • In your journal, begin a dialogue with your Soul Self. Using your own colour, introduce yourself, welcome Spirit to come and let them know how grateful you are for their presence. (Love and gratitude - thanksgiving are powerful fuel for moving energy and opening wisdom for us in the world. It’s the lube that makes the Universe move.)

    • With the Soul Self coloured pen allow your Spirit Self to respond - record Their responses. (You may choose to use your non-dominant hand to record responses from Soul.)

      • Responses come in an infinite number of ways. Maybe you hear things or see things or feel things. I work mostly with feeling sense and empathetic, somatic resonance in my body. Even when I “hear” spirit, it comes from deep in the tissue of my body as opposed to hearing actual words - which some people do. Work with what your ways are. Come to recognize your guidance. This comes with practice and acceptance.

      • You may encounter resistance from your divided mind. Divided mind resents and rejects wholiness because it is a threat to it’s self-appointed supposed supremacy.

        • Let the resistance be there. Simply watch the resistance and doubt and division that divided mind wants to create. Wait patiently until divided mind quiets down and return to your dialogue with Higher Self.

    • Ask Soul Self what They would like to be called. This process may be instant or may take awhile. Try on names and titles as they are given to you. You and your Higher Self are coming into relationship with one another and are moving through this process of naming together. You will know you are getting close because of how it feels.

    • It feels like homecoming, joy, there may be grief, but it is the grief of having been separate from this feeling at any point in your life. This is you and you will know your Soul Self because of the love and acceptance of your whole self.

    • This is a name or title of love and union, of course there is an emotional process.

    • It is natural to have a lot of feelings around this process - a lot of them negative You may feel angry or dismissive or scoffing, skeptical and critical. This is okay. This is natural. We’re not taught this - in fact, our society actively discourages us from taking steps to connect with our Divine Self. Our society actively disparages and negatively labels those that do connect with Divine Self. It is called arrogant, or crazy or deluded.

    • The most natural relationship in the world is with the Spirit in Self. This is the Guide that never fails. This is the quiet voice that has been loving you and holding you in infinite peace and acceptance since you were Created.

    • Try to be loving and patient to the parts of yourself that are mean and dismissive and impatient and critical. The divided mind is scared. Be gentle. Be loving. Spirit is with you and there is time.

    • Continue this process of greeting and naming with your Soul Self until you get to a name or title that you can refer to easily and that creates a response of energy in your body.

    • For me, I feel the mothaitheacht feeling in my chest. It’s a fullness of energy and love and encouragement and hope and belief. Beloved Presence is the name of my Soul Self. It is how I experience Wholiness in the world - Spirit is a Beloved Presence; in me towards others and from others to myself.

    • Beloved Presence connection didn’t happen over night. It was a process I was in for several years, and I had no idea what I was doing.

    • A very important aspect to keep in mind - the role/title/name of your Higher Self, when resonate and connected to YOU, will contain a deep wisdom about your gifts in the world. It will be very much tied to how you move through the world as a Spiritual Being in the Physical Plane.

    • Don’t worry about “getting this right the first time”. This is a process and I expect you will revisit this ask until you know you don’t have to ask anymore.

      • You may first have to wade through and dissolve the “should’s” of Soul and Spirit and what They have been called in the world. We have accepted a lot of baggage and untruths about Spirit in our society and they all need to be held and dissolved to get to the Brilliance of your personal connection with Wholiness. It’s okay. You’re doing it. You’re doing it great.

    • We are just looking to uncover the name/title of your Soul Self. We will come back around to gifts later in the process when we dig deeper into passion and purpose.

    • Return to this ask until you feel at peace and connection with the name title you have found together with your Divine Self.

    • Ask your Soul Self if They have anything They’d like to share or say or ask you. Listen and respond.

    • Before leaving the communion, give thanks to your Divine Self for coming and sharing. Gratitude works.