11. Share Gratitude


Share Gratitude

Today we continue with Gratitude. My whole life I could devote to Gratitude and still not do more than scratch the surface of the power and transformational magick available when we feel gratitude for Creation.

We may feel gratitude and perceive with gratitude, but we really activate the supernatural when we share our feelings of gratitude with the world.

Where do you need to express more gratitude? Where do you need to speak outright what you feel but have never expressed? Where in your life do you assume gratitude is known and felt - but don’t know for sure those beings feel appreciated?

Almost every time that I have expressed gratitude to someone for who they are and what they do, they have confessed that they were feeling unsure of their effectiveness or second-guessed their skills and abilities. Sharing gratitude and appreciation is a gift to others. It’s also a gift to ourselves.

Expressing my gratitude to the world is an act of love and reciprocity. Sharing gratitude is the recognition that my life is better because of who you are in it and that feedback loop is nothing short of transformational.


The Practice


    • Worship is gratitude and thanksgiving. Write a letter of gratitude to Creation.

      • Think of all the things and ways in the world that bring you joy and thank Creation and Beloved Presence for those things and all the ways They make your life meaningful.

    • Write a letter of gratitude for yourself. Record everything about you that you think is great and meaningful and worthy. Include what you really love about yourself - don’t be shy or “humble” - give it your ALL.

      • Ask people in your life what their favourite thing about you is.

      • You could use that opportunity to share your favourite thing about them.

    • Put those letters of love to Creation and to yourself somewhere where you will “surprise” find them long after you've forgotten you wrote it.

      • When you find it, it will be a gift of Thanksgiving and Gratitude to yourself. What we Share is the treasure that returns to us.

    (I didn't intend or realize I had capitalized "share" in the previous sentence, but I'm going to leave it as the synchronicity it is.)

    • Remember to reflect and record in your journal your thoughts and feelings and reactions around this process.

      • The act of sharing our love and gratitude is powerful and stirs up a lot of feelings. Be gentle with yourself.