Posts in Magick + Mediumship + Communication
Speak with Spirit

I am one of millions of people who came to be a bridge for this message to root and blossom the World.

Speak w/Spirit is sharing the message that both Spirit + Land are communicating with us all the time. This is my little way to normalize the present Spiritual Reality of Beloved Presence; Spirit Present in the World of Form.

Speak w/Spirit is normalizing our constant communication + relationship with Spirit + Land.

Speak w/Spirit is a reminder to you that it’s all real - all your experiences of Spirit in the World of Form are real and they are wisdom and your body is Ancient Wisdom and Land is Ancient Wisdom, and Land and Spirit have never stopped talking with us.

Speak w/Spirit and remind the world of what is real.

Your best, most joyful, soul-filled visions are the map to the World we all want to create. Sharing your visions are the way we create it together.

Don’t wait to be ready to share. Sharing is how we get ready.

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I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts

In Western society, we have lost connection to the ceremonies of death that served to weave our grief and loss into the larger fabric of existence. We have lost the thread of continuance and cycles of change on the small and grand scale that makes us fite fuaite with Creation. Our disconnection from the cyclical turning of Creation has created a boogeyman of death as the final consumption of who and what we love. Love doesn’t stop, it just changes form. Your loved ones still exist and they want to communicate if you’re willing.

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Suffer a Witch to Live

Christian beliefs have prevented me from believing in and sharing with the world my spiritual beliefs, gifts and ways of knowing. We need no permission or outside authority to communicate directly with Spirit. Our dead live on and continue and are waiting to communicate and have relationship with us from beyond the physical realm. We are in direct contact with all of the everything and can learn directly whenever we want.

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Talking with the "Dead"

Do you want to hear from your “dead” loved ones? I need to practice hearing them. Let’s work together and open communication with your loved ones on the other side.

Fill out the form and you will re-direct to the detailed request page.

The “dead” don’t stop just because they don’t have a body. They’re waiting and wanting to continue relationship with you in this new way.

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Śivani talks about Yoga.. and so much more

In all honesty, I am still integrating the download of information Śivani shared in our hour and a half together (split into probably 3 episodes).

Śivani launched a deep dive into Yoga principles and we talked about healing and clearing chakras and mudras, yantras, mandalas… there is a LOT.

Śivani is a a Medium, Intuitive Artist, and Sannyasin on the Yogic path.

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My Struggle with Witches

Identity is important. It’s how we express universal anam out into the world. What we believe we are is the lens through which universal Spirit is shared. I have struggled with identity as a witch for a long time, because as much as it seems to fit, it’s never been quite right. Learning to pronounce Gaelic words opened the door; I am Bandraoi.

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The Vagueness of the Spiritual Path is Often a Huge Obstacle to Overcome

There is no such thing as “falling off the path”. Your path is your path and you’re in exactly the right place to be to learn what you need to learn to bring yourself and your life into wholiness with Creation. We are either judging ourselves or accepting ourselves as we are. Use these tools to help understand your triggers and what’s really happening when you lose your cool. Learn techniques to remind yourself to be here now.

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